Words of Encouragement to Inspire and Boost Your Energy When You Are Stressed

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Have you ever tried to encourage and support a friend when they are going through an emotionally tough time? Maybe you know a work friend who is having a hard time at home as his partner is threatening to leave him, or your neighbour who recently lost her husband is feeling low and despondent so you pop round to see how she is feeling?

Have you noticed in these times just how important the words you use are? Are you one of those people who know instinctively what to say, what words to say to boost your friend’s morale or are you like the rest of us? You stumble and mumble your condolences and quietly wish you were somewhere else?

Knowing what to say, knowing what words to use to inspire, uplift and encourage someone who is low is challenging. You want to show your concern yet at the same time you dread putting your foot in it and making the situation worse. Everyone feels like that. I am sure that if you did a random poll amongst colleagues in your office, half of your colleagues can recall times when they thought they were offering sympathy and support when in reality their words had the opposite impact.

Why are words so important? Does it matter what you say when you try to support and encourage others? Surely any old words will do, or as the popular saying goes “it’s the thought that counts”.

If you are like me, you want to be a good friend, a supportive partner and shoulder to cry on for your children and loved ones. You recognise the power of words to motivate and inspire and deep down you hope that what you say does make a difference. You want your advice and thoughtful words to help boost your friend’s mood and make them feel better.

How to Get Your Life Back on Track – Five Simple Steps to Help You Achieve Your Dream Life

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Have you ever woken up, glanced around you and thought “what’s happening to me, what’s happened to all the dreams, hopes and aspirations I had as a child?” Can you remember what you wanted to be when growing up? Or does it all feel like a dream, a far-away fairy tale that never really got off the ground?

As a child, it is easy to dream. To dream big, to c to be a superstar or your favourite TV character. But somehow as you grow up, life gets in the way. Dreams you had as a child fade into the background as you struggle to meet the demands and expectations of parents and teachers.

Can you remember what it felt like to be alive, to wake up on the first day of the long summer school holidays and be glad that you didn’t have to go to school for six long glorious weeks?

Believe it or not, it does not matter how old, tired, fat or broke you are. It is still possible to achieve your dreams. Still possible to turn your life around and follow your heart. Sure, it may be difficult, harder to let go off your attachments and responsibilities, but if you follow these five simple steps you will find the courage and determination to succeed and live the life you desire.

Dealing with death

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“You know Ravi, Hemu’s friend? He died last week! They found out that he had leukemia one and half months back and he died five weeks after,” my aunt said.

I heard those words and froze! It was a normal day until that moment. I was in 7th grade, had just got back from school, had lunch, and then had gone to my room as I had a lot of homework that day. I had come to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water when my aunt uttered those unbelievable words.

Hemu was my cousin and Ravi was his best friend. That summer, we all hit it off quite well and so we started spending time together. We used to go swimming in the mornings. Then we used to go the library and get us some books to read.

What You Think Determines Your Life

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You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.James Allen

Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking. William Arthur Ward If there is anything that people hate to hear is that they are a product of their thoughts. In a world that likes to blame everyone else for their situation the last thing we want to accept is that where I am and who I am today is a culmination of my thoughts of my many yesterdays. We have built a western culture on making someone pay for what is happening to me today. The whole legal system seems to be making billions of dollars perpetuating this victim mentality. It is tying up the legal system with frivolous lawsuits. It would be like suing your parents because they used cloth diapers rather than pampers for the way you are today.

A study was done by the University of Tennessee over a 12 year time period. One group of people listened to just 5 minutes of negative news broadcasts earthquakes kill thousands, bus blown up and 20 children killed, shooting in a church, shooting in a mall. Then the other group listened to more positive and uplifting news organization helps struggling family with medical attention, motorist stops to help elderly man who had slipped on ice, church provides sandwiches, cookies and juice every school day for those children who come without a lunch.

Coffee Helps Reduce

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Coffee Helps Reduce

Coffee Helps Reduce

Coffee consumption prevented the development of high-blood sugar and also improved insulin sensitivity in the mice, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes.Coffee also caused a cascade of other beneficial changes in the fatty liver and inflammatory adipocytokines related to a reduced diabetes risk. Additional lab studies showed that caffeine may be “one of the most effective anti-diabetic compounds in coffee,” the scientists say.


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Self-confidence gives you the ability to carry out your daily tasks with energy and certainty. So many people are just wading through life with a feeling of hesitancy or shyness; the self-confident person seems to glide on the surface. With a few small achievements under your belt, they soon multiply and create a new confidence from deep within you. You blossom and open yourself up to new experiences and enjoyable activities like opening a cellar door, bringing light to the gloom and mire of the depths. You actually create your own “luck” by being the kind of person who craves adventure, calculated risk, and the promise of great rewards. You don’t gamble with your new found skills, you never risk anything unnecessary, but you now feel happier to take counsel and make decisions.

Real Mind Power!

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Real Mind Power!

Real Mind Power!

Real mind power. Over time, this concept has been seen and heard in mass media. And     egarded as fact. So, what’s wrong with it? Most people can accept that there is such a thing as  mind power but are probably clueless about its true character, which is its being commonly misunderstood for what it truly is.
Some psychologists tend to associate mind with the human brain. Others disagree claiming that the human mind is non-physical and is not synonymous with the human being’s gray matter or tissue which is the physical organ called brain. As a matter of fact, researchers into this field of expertise have come to think that mind is not exclusively located in the brain but in all parts of the human body and even outside of it!
This idea of the mind occurring and existing outside of the human body is a startling revelation and can confuse a lot of people. But this might help explain the findings made by doctors, physiologists and professionals including philosophers and mystics that the endocrine glands in the human body may have something to do with the mind. At this point we have a declaration of the mind’s independence from the brain.